Monday, December 9, 2013

New Job :)

During a very low point in my life, one night I had an urge to try for a dream of mine. I did not expect to ever really be offered this opportunity, but I felt the need to do something I loved and for myself. I wanted to feel alive and happy again. So I sat down on my computer, pulled up the website and filled out the application.

I carried on with my what seemed like my pointless life, just sad and unenthused by anything. One night, a couple weeks later, I got a call while I was in the store, from an unknown number, so I let it go to voice mail. A couple minutes later I listened to the message.

They wanted to set up an interview with me.

Tears brimmed my eyes and my heart raced. I had not been this happy in awhile. Something was finally going right for me. My dream come true.

The interview, a group one, made me so nervous. So many more experienced people. But I adore this stuff. I would kill to work in this atmosphere. I walked away that day worried out of my mind.

I waited almost a week and a half. Then got the call that they wanted to hire me.

I am now an official employee of Sephora. Seasonal, right now, but I am praying and hoping I can continue this dream further than just that. It makes me ecstatic and teary eyed knowing that I have the power to make someone's day and help them enhance the beauty they already are. I love making other girls feel good about themselves.

My life has since turned around the best. I love the job, although I am still being trained. There's always new job jitters, but I know I will love it here. <3

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